Engine Room
Thu Dec 10 2020

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to give a specific estimate about how long SEO takes to begin producing results is the fact that there are many factors that affect SEO:

Content and SEO

The relevance of your content. Does your content align with what searchers are looking for ? Do you already have content that matches those needs, or will we need to crate content to do so? How much content do you have on your pages, does it match the necessary word count of 500-700? Is the text to html ratio at a good level? All those factors play a role here.

Importance of Incoming Links

What websites are linking to yours? Google uses links from other websites as a vote of confidence in your brand. Not all links are created equal, either! If you have links from websites with a very low domain authority or with low rankings and no traffic, they more likely to hurt your page rather than help.

SEO Keyword Competition

Some keywords are more competitive than others. Longtail keywords are typically easier to obtain first- page rankings for than shorter keywords. That’s why the rule: Don’t be too greedy! Better go for keywords with a lower volume but also low competition where you can assure high rankings rather than get stuck at rank 100 for high volume keyword.

Technical SEO

There are hundreds of technical factors to consider when optimizing a website for search. Pagespeed, a page free from 4xx status codes, a healthy page structure, assuring correct indexing, a good top navigation and footer and much more. Take care of the technical health of your pages before targeting your dream keywords to assure a good user experience for the visitors you’ll generate through Organic.

Mobile Friendly Page

Your mobile site’s speed is increasingly becoming important, especially after google released the Speed Update that made mobile page speed a direct ranking factor

Our SEO Services

At Engine Room, our SEO strategy is part of a broader inbound marketing strategy that will help your business to squeeze the most value possible our of every lead produced in those early months while we wait for our SEO changes to take effect! Contact us today for our Global SEO Services!